
Brain Teaser: Technobabble I

Technobabble I

The following are colloquialisms/idioms written in their literal form. Try to find all four.

Example: A Panthera Pardus is incapable of altering its texture. (A leopard can't change its spots)

1. Revert to the first quadrilateral of equal sides and angles.

2. One suffering from Macular Degeneration guiding one with less than 1/10 of normal vision.

3. Restrain your multiple Equus caballus.

4. The writing utensil containing small amounts of ink is more puissant than the iron hand-held weapon.

(Scoll Down for Solution)










1. Back to Square One--A term meaning to go back to the beginning, or the original idea.

2. Blind leading the blind--Term which means the person in charge knows no more than the person or people he is leading.

3. Hold your Horses--Meaning be patient and to wait.

4. The pen is mightier than the sword--A phrase that means you can get more accomplished by solving your problems in a calm way, than resorting to violence.

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