
Jungle Case Study -Brain Teaser

Jungle Case Study

1. How will you put an elephant in a fridge in 3 steps?

2. How will you put a zebra in a fridge in 4 steps?

3. The King of the Jungle, the lion, is having a wedding ceremony. All of the animals come to attend the ceremony except one. Which one is it and why doesn't it come?

4. A man has to desperately cross the river to get from one place to the other in a jungle. The river is known for having deadly alligators in it. There is no boat. How is he going to make it to the other place?

(Scoll Down for Hint)









All the questions are linked with each other.

(Scoll Down for Solution)










1. Step one: Open the fridge
Step two: Put the elephant inside
Step three: Close the fridge

2. Step one: Open the fridge
Step two: Take the elephant out
Step three: Put the zebra inside S
tep four: Close the fridge

3. Zebra, because he is inside the fridge

4. He will simply swim through the river, as all the alligators have gone to attend the lion's wedding ceremony.

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