
Look Me Over

Look Me Over

If to you I'm given you should thankfully receive, Then look me over carefully, just don't look at my teeth. Show me to a cool stream and I'll follow willingly, Though I might not do what you want, although parched I may be, But if you're really hungry and are looking for a bite, I don't think you could eat me even though you say you might. Decipher all these clues and then together they should tie To help you solve the question which, of course, is "what am I?

(Scoll Down for Solution)












If you answered "horse" then you're quite clever, very shrewd, For to look a gift horse in the mouth is very, very rude! Though I may (or not) be thirsty it's a well known thing, I think, That you can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink, And though you might be famished, I don't think you mean a word In saying, "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," it's quite absurd!

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