
Brain Teaser: Lord of the Rings? [08-08-15]

Lord of the Rings?

My story whispers ancient lore;

The force at times my rings will hide.

I've sixty minions, maybe more:

Those unseen, these by my side.

Wand'ring far from glowing light,

Shape-shifting puzzles curious eyes;

Oft my glorious rings shine bright,

While men debate my family's size.

My aspect seems to wax and wane,

As the force dictates the deed;

My namesake ruled vast fields of grain,

But, legends tell, devoured his seed.

What am I?

(Scoll Down for Solution)








Where are those rings?






Answer: The planet Saturn

Saturn is named after the Roman god of the harvest. When the force of gravity causes Earth's orbit to take us into the plane of Saturn's rings, they seem to disappear, and the shape of the planet appears to change. Most of Saturn's 60 or more moons are visible only through strong telescopes. The sixth planet from the Sun in the Solar System, Saturn receives little heat and light. There is still controversy about the number of planets in the "family" of the Solar System. With the demotion of Pluto, some say there are eight planets. However, counting Pluto and also the dwarf planets Eris and Ceres, others would say there are eleven known planets. As the god of the harvest, Saturn ruled over all agriculture. Because he feared his children were about to kill him, he devoured them.

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