
Back in Forth

Back in Forth

Language brain teasers are those that involve the English language. You need to think about and manipulate words and letters.

Based on the clue in parentheses, find a four-letter word that can be inserted backwards into the blank to complete a longer word.

Example: di____ve (a defeat)
Answer: dissolve ("A defeat" gives you LOSS, which is placed backwards in the blank: di_SSOL_ve.)

1. dis____s (horse movement)
2. mi____ce (high mountains)
3. l____ion (a Mexican food)
4. s____ing (food skin)

(Scoll Down for Hint)









Here are clues for the eight-letter words:
1. deforms
2. lose
3. venue
4. abed

(Scoll Down for Solution)










1. distorts (TROT - dis_TORT_s)
2. misplace (ALPS - mi_SPLA_ce)
3. location (TACO - l_OCAT_ion)
4. sleeping (PEEL - s_LEEP_ing)

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